So that’s it then, Mr. Jenkins?
Barclays chief executive Antony Jenkins announced his plan to transform the troubled UK bank. He gets high marks for communication, but the substance was a little thin.
Barclays chief executive Antony Jenkins announced his plan to transform the troubled UK bank. He gets high marks for communication, but the substance was a little thin.
Most banks work hard to say they’re different from the competition. But Barclays chief Antony Jenkins wants us to know his bank just like every other. It’s a clever communication strategy for deflecting attention from the bank’s woes. But what does he do after that?
Besides offering a delicious glimpse into English gentry life a century ago, who knew Downton Abbey could also yield insights about communication? Last Sunday’s installment gave us an example of brilliance and another of dull-wittedness.
Computer giant HP has taken a shot at its archrival Dell, just a few hours after our post on how to conduct yourself in a public fight. HP gets good marks for its effort, which ranks as a small skirmish in a long battle between the two companies.
The media love conflict. After all, when you’re in the audience-grabbing business, there’s nothing better than a good fight to draw a crowd. The merits of the argument don’t matter much as long as there is plenty of shouting. For proof, look no further than the jousting between Sen. John McCain and Chuck Hagel at […]
Secretary of State Hilary Clinton lashed out at a Republican Congressman during testimony about the attack on the U.S. mission in Bengazhi, Libya. She flashed her temper, produced a memorable sound bite for the media and won the day. Anger doesn’t always succeed as a communication tactic. But here are four rules for making it […]
With the awards season in full swing, we are pleased to present the 10 nominees for outstanding post from the Risk Matters blog over the past year. Enjoy!
The votes are in, and we are pleased to announce our picks for best risk communications in 2012. The year had plenty of risk to go around – a presidential election, an uncertain global economy and a fragile European union. Our Risk List recognizes the people who best demonstrated how risk-taking and excellent communication were […]
The sinners continue to repent in the great Investment Banking Reformation. The latest penitent is Andrea Orcel, the head of investment banking at UBS, who appeared before Britain’s Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards and promised to ‘put integrity before profit.’ But it is brutal economics, not soul cleansing, that is changing UBS and other institutions.
Poor AIG. It was just starting to get its mojo back, launching a new ad campaign to thank taxpayers for rescuing the firm in the darkest days of the financial crisis. Then came the awkward news that it might sue taxpayers for driving too hard a bargain. Now the ad campaign seems dishonest and AIG […]